Health System Data Center

The Health System Data Center allows users to view health performance scores across states and local regions, and to compare those measures across multiple areas using charts and tables.

The Commonwealth Fund is known for their extensive collection of health performance scorecards. They're often used by reporters to collect data, and by lobbyists to help promote change. Although the current site made the contents of those scorecards available to everyone, it needed help in the UX department - specifically by creating a unified front for all three scorecards (State, Local, and Child) as well as a more geographically-driven entry point. My role was to lead the UX by creating a detailed and annotated set of wireframes to be used by the development team, but also to redesign the look & feel.

Annotated Wireframes

Once I had a good grasp on the problems that needed to be solved, I got to work on wireframes. In addition to making the map front-and-center, I added a "Search by Location" function with auto-suggest capabilities. By entering just a few characters, the user is able to quickly confirm what he's really looking for (the city of Boston, or the entire state of Massachusetts, for example).

Geographic entry

The Compare feature also took up valuable real estate on those data-heavy tables, and required too many steps to complete. By making this feature more contextual with the data the user is already looking at, I was able to make this task much simpler. And with the added space we gained, fonts could now become a little more legible.

State comparison graphs

But ultimately, the goal of the redesign was to make the data sell itself. By highlighting some of the key metrics, such as a visually-engaging Overall Rank indicator, infographic-like treatments for showing the Estimated Impact for Improvement, and a more contemporary and standalone brand, we were able to make seemingly "boring data" much more engaging.

The work was done remotely (as with all my projects), and in collaboration with two other virtual teams.

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